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Long time no Entry

Monday, May. 05, 2003 @ 10:37 p.m.

Well, it has been a while since I have made and entry here. I have not forgotten. Sometimes when I actually make it online lately, I just go about my evening reading my regulars reads(see them to the side there, there are a few more I haven't added, but you get the main idea).

Well, I would be way off base if I said that not much has happened as of lately. Just there is way to much to possibly catch up on. But the short version would go something like this.

1. Kids driving us crazy ritually everyday.

2. Kids went to Millinocket and I missed them like hell.

3. We painted the kitchen and worked our asses off while they were gone.

4. Kids came home and the house went from clean to disasterous.

5. A billion other things.

Do you catch the main theme of things. My days go about the same every single day. Today they basically drove me to the point of a seriously bad headache, pure and utmost frustration and disgust. I stupidly told Scott that I would take them both with me to pay the bills and get groceries. It was horrible. I can't even begin to list every little thing that they did. But you name it and they did it. I am just really really tied right now and these words are blurring as we speak. And every three seconds the backspace key is utilized. *yawn* Hopefully tomorrow is better. HA! All tomorrow is going to bring is trying to clean the house with them driving us nuts. Don't get me wrong. I love them both to pieces, could not live without them, but boy oh boy are they hard to take some days.

They are truely showing their ages. Nicky just doesn't concentrate on anything other that getting into things he does not need to be getting into. Sammie has offically become the whiney hiney of house. She whines and complains about every thing in a whiney tone. Oh well, these are phases that I hope are soon to pass. OK, well. I am offically done this entry. I will try my dangdest to make it here to update more often. You know who I wish would make and update...Judy. Judy with little Eskarina. I miss reading her journal. I hope all is well with her. Anyhow. Later alligator. I am off to check on Gram, throw laundry in the dryer and fall dead asleep with an angry husband who is more that likely dying for some nookie, and it's just not happening tonight. Oh yeah. I said I was leaving didn't I *giggles* I have a hard time ending entries. So here it is, the official End.


<< Rewind || Fast Foward >>

About a dear friend - Monday, Aug. 02, 2004
My Last Nerve - Monday, Jul. 19, 2004
I am Back - Monday, May. 17, 2004
What the hell was I thinking?!?!?! - Friday, Apr. 02, 2004
Where Were You When - Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004

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