This and That

Watching:Monday Night Raw (wrestling)
To Do:Clean house- nothing new
Recent Purchases:Soda and butter. Exciting huh?

Me in a Nutshell

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I Can Fly
Groovy Mom
And Another Thing
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Say Say's Soap and Candle Stand
Groovy Mom
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Making something out of nothing

Monday, Feb. 23, 2004 @ 10:33 p.m.

Time for another entry and really not alot to report, all is well on the home front. Kids were a tad on the wild side this morning, and of course it coincided with me trying to get our buts out the door to get my time sheets in on time. Figures. By the time I actually left the house the kitchen floor was coated in white rice and dog water. Nice. I can thank Nicholas for that one.

I got me some hair dye today to go dye my hair on Friday out to Dani's. Should be interesting. I picked a sort of red color, but it really won't come out that way on my dark hair. Other than that not alot going on. I wish I had more interesting things to report. But, alas that is about it for me.

There is one thing. Scotty quit smoking today. He is using the Nicatrol inhaler. I haven't quit yet, but if you had the morning I had that would not have been the morning you quit either. I will more than likely start the day after tomorrow. By then I should be completely out of smokes. I will have no excuse. I got to do it. No fancy inhalers for me though, gonna have to go cold turkey. I will depend on gum for my source of stress relief, and I don't hold to high of hopes for the gum. I will try and be optimistic. But, I am a pesimist at heart, grounding myself in reality. Tis the burden I hold in life. Har!

I read in Bitchypooh that there is a birth control pill that allows you to only have your period 4 times a year! Amazing! It's called Seasonale Lately Aunt Flow visits me regularly, or I should say regular for a normal woman. I am used to about 4 times a year, that was my normal forever. I want that back, with the added bonus of birth control!! What an amazing idea. I gots to have me some of those magic little candies!

I got the depo shot with it's little promise of "99% of the people who have this shot do not ever have periods" Well, I do not fall into that catagory, I think the birth control aspect of the shot works wonders, there was no way on earth I was going to get pregnant. The reason why you ask? I never stopped having my period. I had it.. day after day after day after day. I was throughly depressing. I could never have sex, that is why I could not get pregnant. Needless to say I never went back for another shot, and have gone with out birth control ever since. Just condoms and so on. That is it. We hardly ever remember to get them too, so, sometimes we are a bit of frustrated adults lol. But we live with it. We do not want any more children, at all. So, you just gotta do the responsible thing.

Wow, I guess I found enough to yak about. I suppose I will stop now though. I need a smoke and I have to go outside to do that. *sigh* It's very very cold out. Talk to ya'll tomorry. Sweet Dreams


<< Rewind || Fast Foward >>

About a dear friend - Monday, Aug. 02, 2004
My Last Nerve - Monday, Jul. 19, 2004
I am Back - Monday, May. 17, 2004
What the hell was I thinking?!?!?! - Friday, Apr. 02, 2004
Where Were You When - Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004

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