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Wednesday, Apr. 16, 2003 @ 12:35 a.m.

Well, my husband got his .com site all set up. He installed greymatter for me, which is something I have always wanted. But alas... I don't freakin understand it! Go freaking figure. Maybe it's because I am exhausted. The kids have been wretched (well, they were sort of pent up in the living room today) two sick men, greedy arogent and demanding father who thinks he is my child. A whiney grandmother(no i am not heartless, but if you took care of a bed-ridden 89 year old woman with rumatoid arthritis then you would feel MY pain). Dang. What a freakin day.

And now my brain is fried for the day... only to start it all over again tomorrow. With a disasterous house that need a big time cleaning spree. Oh freaking well. All I can do is hope that tomorrow leads to a more productive day than today, cause today just plain sucked out loud. So I think I shall go to bed and forget my troubles for 6-7 hours. I can't stop thinking about the million and one things that has to be done tomorrow. I cannot possibly fit them into one day, unless of course I get a little help from da hubby.

I am feeling sorta outa touch with everything. Kinda sinking. Drowning in debt, and not the kind of debt you can just let slide.. the kind that includes light bills, phone bills, insurance for you home and auto. How do I get myself into these messes? We have bought NOTHING this month frivilous.. nothing. And yet all the bills didn't get paid, I don't have enough with my next check to cover half of what I need to pay. I would absolutely love for someone to come and take my home, my bills and make them disappear. I have been seriously thinking of calling one of those debt consolidation places, cause we are not going to make it at the rate we are going. And it's no fun. I am rambling tonight, no direction at all. But oh well. I highly doubt anyone reads this, so what does it matter anyhow. As long as I can type my little fingers to the bone, I feel a little bit better.

OK, cigarette is done, bed is calling me. Goodnight. ( I am not even gonna check for typo's so if this only makes sense to me I apologize...oh yeah, no one reads this anyhow.)


<< Rewind || Fast Foward >>

About a dear friend - Monday, Aug. 02, 2004
My Last Nerve - Monday, Jul. 19, 2004
I am Back - Monday, May. 17, 2004
What the hell was I thinking?!?!?! - Friday, Apr. 02, 2004
Where Were You When - Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004

Copyright � Babbles of a Rubber Luver 2004 & all content is of my own works unless otherwise noted